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Design and Characteristic of ABS with Multi Control Parameters


I Nyoman Sutantra - Mechanical Engineering Department – ITS
Yunarko Triwinarno - Mechanical Engineering Department – ITS
M. Harly - Mechanical Engineering Department – ITS


The quality of handling and directional of vehicle are depend on yow rate, side slip angle, tire slip, and lateral acceleration of vehicle. ABS with multi control parameters was used yaw rate, understeer index that represent side slip angle, % of tire slip, and lateral forces or acceleration to improve performance characteristic of ABS on reducing stopping distance and improve the quality of directional stability.

With multi control ABS, Yaw rate, understeer index or side slip angle of vehicle while turning and braking could be controlled and kept close to Ackerman condition that is in very good directional stability. Stooping distance could also be reduced significantly.

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