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The Influence of Stopping Engine Idling on Emission Reduction and Fuel Economy


Dongsoo Jeong - Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
Gyubaek Cho - Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
Kyonam Choi - Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials


The "stop idling" movement, which calls for engines to be turned off in stationary vehicles, aims to reduce air pollution and global warming by controlling emission of exhaust gases and also to contribute to energy conservation and noise reduction. An increasing number of local governments began a campaign worldwide and have recently instituted regulations against idling, and driver awareness of this issue is also on the rise. This paper introduces the development of a clutch-sensor system that automatically turns off and restarts an engine that has been left running over a certain length of time while the car is stopped at a traffic light or stuck in a traffic jam, and experimental results about the influence of engine idling on emission reduction and fuel economy in engine.

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