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Visualization of High Pressure Diesel Sprays from Single and Multi-Hole Injectors


Seneschal, Jérôme - LTSI (Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation)
Ducottet, Christophe - LTSI (Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation)
Bochard, Nathalie - LTSI (Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation)
Gucher, Pasc


The air/fuel mixing process in a diesel engine combustion chamber determines the combustion and the pollutants emissions. The quality of the ready-to-burn mixture depends on the spray evolution, in terms of tip penetration, tip velocity, cone angle and local atomisation. The knowledge of these parameters will help manufacturers to improve their fuel injection system and provides researchers with data in order to increase their understanding of the process. To get information about the spray, non-intrusive optical diagnostics are of prime interest.

The global characteristics of spray pattern, including spray tip velocity and spray angle are determined by analyzing frozen diesel spray images from single-hole and multi-hole nozzle using an intensified high speed camera and two kinds of light sources : Laser light sheet and white light.

Investigations reveal that we can automatically measure the spray tip velocity for a single-hole nozzle. We perform the same measure manually for multi-hole nozzle. In the future, we plan to perform the measurement fully automatically.

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