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Stadtinfoköln – Ubiquitous Mobility Services


Ortgiese, Michael - PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG


Within the project stadtinfoköln new services in the area traffic and mobility management will be realised. The content of the project is focused on:

- Development of a new forecast procedure for the traffic situation in conurbation areas

- Development of an operator concept which is to prepare the start of a new co-operation between public and privatesector orientated partners in the region

- Development of new services for communal traffic management which are offered under consideration of conditions laid down by the operator concept.

- New forms of co-operation between public and private operators will be realised. In addition to the city’s basic supply system a private operator society will provide better-quality services. Classic traffic information are linked with city information, so universal mobility advice including the choice of destination can be provided. A system architecture will be realised which allows both the marketing of b2b and b2c services, too.

These services support the user in mobility planning. They also provide additional information to other possible destinations in the city. As part of the implementation of such services, the city of Cologne is following these aims: Offer of a complete mobility service which provides information on both the traffic situation and on various destinations in the city.

Offer of the service on various devices in order to provide information both on-trip and pre-trip.

Development of various forms of information presentation.

Personalisation of services.

The service portfolio consists of current information on the traffic situation, individual and multi-modal routing recommendations and planning, forecasts on free parking spaces, car-park information with reservations and payment of parking slots, weather forecasts and district carpool offers. Not only the “what” in the traffic situation should be noted, also questions on avoiding waiting time and congestion, availability of localities and offers between public and private transport are also compared and solved. The services can take a number of user-specific details into account, the personalisation of these services is of great importance.

This service does not only stand out because of its range of information, but also in the way in which the customer communicates with the system. The traveller receives a current picture of traffic disruptions and can be informed before and during the journey. At the same time private transportation routing and public transportation routing are combined to form a multi-modal routing system, so recommendations for different forms of transport can be compared.

The end devices, on which all of these services will be possible, are those with a suitable display and those which can display the required information in the form of text, or preferably graphically (colour). A link between devices will be created, which, for example, will allow the information compiled on the internet to be used during the journey with handheld computers, PDA or WAP mobile phones. Other suitable end devices are the in-car navigation systems.

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