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Hydrogen Fueled Engine – Properties of Working Cycle and Emission Potentials


Polášek, Miloš - Czech Technical University in Prague
Macek, Jan - Czech Technical University in Prague
Takáts, Michal - Czech Technical University in Prague


The paper deals with the application of advanced numerical methods to modeling of hydrogen fueled engines. A sensitivity study of the influence of main engine parameters on NOx formation has been performed using the GT-Power code. A general CFD algorithm based on the previously published Advanced Multizone Eulerian Model has been adapted to detailed simulation of in-cylinder phenomena of the hydrogen engine. Semi-empirical combustion model breaking connection between chemistry and turbulence has been proposed. Procedure of the model parameter identification according to experimental data has been verified. Combination of the model with complex description of chemical kinetics of both fast reactions and slow ones is shown. Possibilities of the chemical kinetics application to the semi-empirical model parameter estimation are discussed.

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