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Remote Sensing – Identification of High Emitting Heavy Duty Trucks in Flow Traffic


Full, Gary - Environmental Systems Products Holding Inc.
Vescio, Niranjan - Environmental Systems Products Holding Inc.
Lenz, Hans Peter - Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering, Austria
Stricker, Peter - Institute for Int


The remote sensing device RSD3000 operated by the Federal Office for Testing of Motor Vehicles and optimized during the last three years by the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering, Technical University of Vienna, has the capability to measure the emissions from passenger cars, heavy duty trucks and busses in flow traffic at speeds from 30km/h to 130km/h.

During a measuring campaign, carried out by the Federal Office for Testing of Motor Vehicles and the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering, Technical University of Vienna, on the Austrian Tauernautobahn A10 three remote sensing devices from ESP were used on different road slopes to figure out the influence of different loads of heavy duty trucks on their emissions. Each remote sensing device measures the ratios CO/CO2, HC/CO2 and NO/CO2 as well as the opacity, the speed and the acceleration of each vehicle. The weight of the vehicles were measured in the flow traffic by a weigh-in-motion system operated by the Institute for Road Construction and Maintenance. With this parameters it is possible to estimate the traction power of each vehicle.

About five hundred heavy duty trucks have been stopped by the Highway Patrol by spot check. The emissions from the homologation procedure of this known engine types will be brought in conjunction with the remote sensing measurements.

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