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Automobile Road Vibration Reproduction using Sliding Modesx


G.Monsees - Delft University of Technology
J.M.A.Scherpen - Delft University of Technology


Sliding mode controllers have a reputation for their robustness against parameter variations, modeling errors and disturbances. They have been successfully applied in several practical situations which demonstrated the potential of sliding mode control for other control problems. However research has mainly been focused on continuous-time sliding mode controllers. In practical applications, where the continuous-time system is sampled by the computer, it is often assumed that the sampling time is sufficiently fast to consider the sampled system as a continuous-time system.

This paper aims at providing an overview of the design procedure for discrete-time, output-based, sliding mode controllers, based on discrete-time models. The applicability of these controllers were suggested by the SCOOP project where extra robustness has to be gained by extending the controller setup by the sliding mode feed-back controller.

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