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Optimisation by simulation of layout of a Radio Frequency receiver system inside the car.


Massimiliano de Riso - ELASIS S.C.p.A.
Francesco Crisci - ELASIS S.C.p.A.
Mauro Bandinelli - IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.


In this work a virtual methodology used as support of physical testing to optimise the installation the Radio Frequency (RF) receiver system on board of the car, is explained. A comparison between simulated and measured data is also shown.

The system on which this analysis has been carried out is an anti-theft system made of a handy RF transmitter and a receiver installed inside the car.

In some cases the signal emitted by the key is not correctly received. The causes of lacked activation could be:

Einterference due to other Electro Magnetic (EM) sources;

Ethe positioning of receiving antenna;

The first part of the work is dedicated to analyse in detail each component of the system (receiver and its antenna, transmitter) and to describe experimental methods used to characterise it. Measurements have been carried out in ELASIS (a FIAT Auto R&D centre) anechoic chamber using a reference RF system installed on board of a FIAT vehicle In the second part of the work we describe a virtual methodology developed by ELASIS, in collaboration with IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi, to reduce the time spent during physical testing.

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