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An integrated parking and overnight A/C system for truck applications


E. Pippione - IVECO S.p.A.
R. Cicerale - IVECO S.p.A.
M. Cisternino – Centro Ricerche Fiat


A research activity on an electric parking and overnight A/C system with reduced impact on the existing cabin structure and on the A/C plant has been carried out. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of an electric motor driven A/C system, based on the same layout of the standard production A/C loop, to generate cool air when the vehicle engine is stopped. For this purpose, the A/C compressor has been connected, by means of a suitable clutch and gear box, alternatively to the thermal engine for a daily mission and to the electric motor during night or parking conditions. A prototype has been manufactured and installed in a IVECO Eurostar truck to evaluate the thermal performances both in a controlled thermal environment and in field tests. The preliminary results are encouraging, providing positive indications about the overall efficiency and the installation of the system.

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