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Perfecting the Human Machine Interface (HMI) in Car Cockpits


Jean-Christophe Vuillot - Telenostra AS


Telenostra AS has invented and patented a unique HMI concept. The concept consists of multifunctional keys and an interactive menu system for implementation in Driver Information Systems in CARS, in addition to electronic and electric products, such as Mobile Phones, PDAs, Remote Controls, Digital Cameras, etc.

Realizing the enormous growth of information and functions available as a result of today's digital convergence, there seems to be an increasing need for improved HMI solutions. With the Telenostra technology, it is in fact possible to integrate all command functions available in a car into one single key.

The multifunctional keys are used for fast data input and menu navigation. Telenostra's new method promotes replacement of switches, joysticks, touch screens, keypads, keyboards as well as other switch constellations with a one-finger (thumb) operated multifunctional key.

The core components of the HMI are the multifunctional keys AND their interaction with a highly logical and intuitive menu system. Functional modifications or/and enhancements of the HMI are therefore only a matter of software upgrades rather than physical hardware changes.

Telenostra has also developed a predictive writing system that enables fast and correct text input as well as a number guessing system for faster search. Telenostra's technology enters car driver's service (and not the other way round!) in a discrete, easy, but yet powerful, and safe way in order to assist him deriving full benefit from his e-car.

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