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Theoretical Approaches on Novel Uni- and Multilayers Architectures of Particle Reinforced Composite Materials


Dana I. Luca Motoc - Transilvania University, Brasov



particle, composites, thermal conductivity, multilayers structure, epoxy matrix.


The paper aims to provide a survey of technical literature applied on thermal conductivity evaluation of metallic particles reinforced composite materials (epoxy matrix), the use of classical series and parallel architectures for thermal conductivity retrieval on new uni- and multilayers structures for aiding their characterization.. The various models presented suggests that the insulator or conductive character of the matrix material will provide an insulator character to the overall composition even here is the case of highly heat conductive properties of the fillers. This particular behavior has a great influence on new materials developing process aiming few special applications involving the resistance to aggressive media. The computations and graphical representations were carried out taking into account the different volume fraction of the fillers, different heights of the individual layers, different orientations with respect of the heat flux.

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