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New Aspects Concerning the Study of Radiators Composed by Series and Parallel Coupling Units


Muresan Maria* - Universitatea Transilvania of Brasov
Serbanoiu Neculae - Universitatea Transilvania of Brasov
Ungureanu Virgil-Barbu - Universitatea Transilvania of Brasov



heat transfer, heat exchangers, automotive engine radiators, heat rate and output temperatures.


New radiators having high performances can realize by using the series, parallel or mixed connection of units with high operating results. The paper presents the calculus of the heat rate transferred and output temperatures for another schema of circulation. Aided by this proposed method the designers can obtain assemblies of radiators with heat rates and dimensions corresponding to practical situations. On study two variants: series and parallel for the units coupling. For the series coupling of the modules are arranged one behind another, in different planes, the air go in front of the first unit and the liquid circulates from the last unit to the first. For the parallel coupling, the units are ranged in the same plane, the air simultaneously go into all units and the liquid go in the last unit and go out from the first unit. The results of the study can be applied for long-expected units and can be generalized for “n” units. The inferred relations permit the direct obtaining of the radiators thermal performances even the design phase, in function of the selected unit performances. On performs a comparative study too, between the variant presented in this paper and that presented in other paper when both fluids, in the both variants, circulate from the first to the last unit.

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