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Electric and Hybrid Vehicles in Romania


Prof. Grigore Danciu - University “Politehnica” of Bucharest
Dr. Mihaela Chefneux Senior Researcher - Institute for Research and Design in Electrical Engineering-ICPE
Dr. Virgil Racicovschi - Technical Director-ICPE



Electric Vehicle, HEV, Fuel Economy, Emissions


The automobile is responsible today of a lot of human produced emissions and is requesting more fuell. A modern way to reduce both fuell consumption and emissions is represented by the electric vehicles. The paper describes the state of the art of electric and hybrid vehicles in Romania. The authors of the paper are among the promoters of research activities in the field of electrical vehicles. Starting from the propulsion system (electric motor and drive) they developed several prototypes of electrical and hybrid vehicles. They also promoted a Consortium of Electric Vehicles, including universities, research groups, industry, local authorities and government factors in order to support the idea of non-polluting transport systems.

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