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The Electromagnetic Compatibility of Automotive Electric System


I. Matlac - Transilvania University of Brasov, Electrotechnic Dept
L. Iulian - Transilvania University of Brasov, Electrotechnic Dept
L. Aciu - Transilvania University of Brasov, Electrotechnic Dept
P. Combei - University of Pitesti



The last decay, electric and electronic system of the automotive presented a very quick development, as result of the improvement of semiconductor devices. Significant development in the power electronics and in microelectronics of the automotive was achieved by the integrated circuits. If in 1980 the price of microelectronics was approximately 0,5% of the price of the automotive, in 2000 year was about 17% and for 2010 it is expected to be 24% .

The paper presents the main problems which must be considered when designing and executing the electric system of the automotive, so the electric elements of the system to be in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) each others, the assembly of the electric system to be in electromagnetic compatibility with other technical systems and to present immunity against external electromagnetic noises.

Assuring the EMC of the electric system of the automotive supposes knowing the noises sources, the evaluation of the effects of these noises and a design to eliminate their influences against the others parts of the system, respectively to assure the immunity from external electromagnetic noises.

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