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Measuring the Ways of Transmission of Vibrations Coming from the Force Group


Nicolae Vasilovici* - Brasov, INAR



comfort, maximum positive accelerations, proper frequencies, suspension, transmissivity


For an engine vehicle, the driving gearing is the main source of noise and vibrations. The transmission bridges -through solid- of the most important oscillations are represented by the assembly supports, the supports of taking over the rolling moment and by the cab suspension.

Secondary elements of transmission (driving and cardanic axles, hoses, cables and coupling rods) contribute to inducing of the oscillations transmitted to the body through solid.

Connections between assemblies and body have to present an efficient insulation of the oscillations transmitted through solid and air; their damping is strongly dependent on frequency.

This paper consists of a simple and effective method of characterizing the comfort produced by the engine and gear box to a stationary vehicle by measuring the R. M. S. accelerations and unfiltered positive maximum value.

The forced amplitudes determined by the working group of force can influence directly the value of the accelerations on the cab floor, in other words the fundamental ways of exposing persons to vibrations, by means of supporting surfaces (legs, seat and head).

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