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Effects of Diesel Fuel Blended with Rapeseed oil on Air-fuel Mixing and Combustion Processes of a Turbocharged DI Diesel Engine


Nicolae Ispas* - Brasov, Transilvania University
Corneliu Cofaru - Brasov, Transilvania University



Renewable sources for raw materials are reaching more interest in order to fulfill future demands for sustainable transport development in condition that conventional sources for these raw resources are limited.

The use of rapseed oil to blend Diesel fuel for internal combustion engines seems to be interesting for different reason as:

• Dimishing of CO2 emissions by natural circulation;

• Rapseed oil is a renewable source of energy;

• The phisical and chemical characteristics of this biofuel are similar to Diesel fuel.

The paper presents the results of test research by using Diesel fuel blended with rapseed oil on:

• parameters of fuel injections process (ignition delay, needle lift, injection timing and fuel injection rate);

• combustion phases (ignition delay, pre-mixed combustion, diffusion combustion and heat release).

The paper provides tables and charts that show a comparable values usig both classical and biodiesel fuels.

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