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Fuel Efficiency for Automobiles in Jammed Traffic


Liviu Georgescu* - Bucharest, Politehnica University
Mihai Cocosila - McMaster University, Michael G. De Groote School of Business
Viorel Mateescu - Bucharest, Politehnica University



fuel efficiency, warm and cold engine status, drag and fuel consumption simulation, total energy waist.


The objectives of the paper are the analysis of global fuel efficiency and air pollution for an automobile in heavy traffic conditions, both in constant speed and in acceleration phase regimes. Conclusions were reached through measurements on laboratory stands and picking traffic data in urban areas.

Comparing data, it is very easy to notice that the fuel burning efficiency never exceeds 8 to 10 %, showing the difficult conditions that would occur in traffic and the inefficiency of using an automobile in a heavy jammed traffic. If we take into consideration that at stops or pedestrians crossing, the automobile would stand still at idle, it is adviseable to think twice, if a single driver trip is efficient enough, from the efficiency fuel utilization point of view.

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