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Diagnostic system for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in Urban Transport


Giorgio Bosia - ALTRA S.p.A.
Riccardo Genova - Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Trasporti
Maurizio Mazzucchelli - Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Trasporti


The possibility of measuring the specific electric quantity of the energy chain and a further group of other physical quantities such as the temperature near certain components, the fuel level or other lubricants, the pressure of the liquids means that, apart from the functions of supervision, a system of advanced diagnostics can be implemented, making it possible to achieve a considerable degree of reliability.

Data acquisition functions, real-time monitoring, data transmission and geographical localization are implemented on an industrial computer, supported by a set of custom boards for implementation of filtering and protection functions.

During on-field testing phase, simulations of harmful situations were performed in order to test alarm generation and transmission capability, always giving expected results. GSM and GPS devices shown an adequate behavior even under difficult condition, such as moving in thin streets surrounded by high buildings. This application shows an interesting characteristic of the developed device, the possibility of performing accurate studies regarding the whole vehicle during the real line service and improvement of the vehicle project.

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